The practice relies heavily on the alignment and position of the stars and other heavenly bodies at the time and place of an individual’s birth. Forecasts are then made based on their movement or position at a given time. Its entirety is quite complex to understand thus astrologers usually take a couple of years of study and practice to perfect their prediction and advice.
While a personal encounter with an astrologist is preferred by some, there are others who are contented with reading about their horoscope through newspapers. And with the advent of technology, access through SMS, email, website or web chat is also possible. This increase in avenue only goes to show that despite of people who are still in doubt of it, astrology also has a solid number followers.
If you’re among those who wants to make sense of certain things, needs a guide in some choices or would like to know how to play your strengths and weaknesses, try looking up at your horoscope.